Shining lights of the Barnesmore Gap

This is a wee throwback to one of our first groups that got started with Innovating Communities. It might look spooky, but this night walk is one of the trial walks the group ran in February to test activities within their proposed Recreation Corridor and was a lot of fun.
Challengers began this journey to develop a plan for a new recreational corridor in Donegal for locals and visitors to enjoy. It was originally envisioned that creating this scenic route between Donegal Town and Ballybofey-Stranorlar could provide a boost for tourism and the environment, and stimulate small businesses and communities along the way.
Challengers began this journey to develop a plan for a new recreational corridor in Donegal for locals and visitors to enjoy. It was originally envisioned that creating this scenic route between Donegal Town and Ballybofey-Stranorlar could provide a boost for tourism and the environment, and stimulate small businesses and communities along the way.
Due to the complex and widespread nature of this project, this was a Marathon course; the Challengers completed 44.5 hours of in-depth group work over 8 months.
There were 35 Challengers enrolled on the course from the beginning of which 13 Challengers were actively engaged and constant throughout the course. This core group are a committed bunch who have gone from strength to strength throughout the journey.
During the Innovating Communities sessions, the group delivered community engagement in Donegal and Ballybofey/Stranorlar, developed a project website ( and community survey, ran prototype community walks along possible route ways and set about forming a constituted group to develop the recreation corridor in partnership with local and national partners.
This is just the start of an epic journey and adventure for the Barnesmore Gap!
Development Group, Natural Resources, Biodiversity, Local Services, Health And Wellbeing, Children And Families, Tourism, Infrastructure, Place & Space
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