A magazine of thanks

This week, Challengers of the Attracting People to Live and Work in County Monaghan course organised a thank you to the 40 school children who participated in an activity designed in the weekly course workshops.
In response to the question: 'What is your favourite thing, place and feeling about County Monaghan?' School children created beautiful postcards full of life colour and joy to celebrate the place they call home. As a thank you, a magazine was produced for each school. It captures what the Challengers discovered from all their visual and written responses.
We're glad to receive such great feedback from the schools, who are thrilled with how the magazine celebrates the children's incredible efforts and creativity—a very thoughtful momentum from the Challengers of this course. It's another reminder of the value involving and reaching the community brings.
In response to the question: 'What is your favourite thing, place and feeling about County Monaghan?' School children created beautiful postcards full of life colour and joy to celebrate the place they call home. As a thank you, a magazine was produced for each school. It captures what the Challengers discovered from all their visual and written responses.
We're glad to receive such great feedback from the schools, who are thrilled with how the magazine celebrates the children's incredible efforts and creativity—a very thoughtful momentum from the Challengers of this course. It's another reminder of the value involving and reaching the community brings.
Children And Families, Place & Space
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