Save Kilty's Post Office
Kiltyclogher’s Challenger’s have been working very hard together to revive the village, and one of their objectives is to save the Post Office
They have designed and delivered a tying flyer to promote the Post Office, as people aren’t aware of the facilities there- they can pay bills there rather than setting up a direct debit. Our phrase “Use it Or lose it” came to mind, and we need everyone’s help to save the Post Office. Here is all the information you need to know:
URGENT UPDATE RE OUR POST OFFICE November 2021 From Innovating Communities ‘Planning Kiltyclogher’s Future’ Project Thank you all for taking part in the recent residents’ survey as part of the Innovating Communities ‘Planning Kiltyclogher’s Future’ Project. Of the 200 forms delivered door to door, we received 55 completed surveys. These have been collated and anonymised. We had planned to report to the community before the year end but, as we gathered an extraordinary amount of valuable information from you all, analysis is going to take some time to complete. It will be early in the new year when we will be able to provide a full report to the community. As a matter of urgency in the meantime, we want you to know the following regarding our Post Office.
Are you all aware that the Post Office is under serious threat of closing within the next year and, as a result, our shop and the diesel pump could be under threat?
*** To ensure we keep it open, we must use it and substantially increase the number of transactions we make there. ***
Here are a number of services and opportunities provided by our Post Office. By utilising them we can ensure our Post Office stays open, which will ensure that our shop also remains open and the diesel pump operable.
- Postage services - Stamps – letters and parcels.
- Banking services or Post Office Current Account (exactly the same as a Bank Account)
- AIB and Bank of Ireland – take out cash and make cash lodgements. For lodging cheques, you first need to order a lodgement book from your bank.
- Ulster Bank – lodge cash only. Note: all banking balances are confidential to you and your bank.
- Utility bills payments While many of us pay these bills online, if we also pay a small amount off our bills weekly or monthly in the Post Office this will increase the number of transactions. All we need to do is bring the ‘barcode’ part of the bill into Post Office, and payment can be made directly off the bill.
- Electricity
- Phone – mobile / home o Rubbish collection
- Property Tax
- Council Rent
- Licences payments: TV Licence (including TV stamp at €4);
- Dog Licences
- Currency Card: for saving towards holidays (currency exchange rate for the date you lodge your monies applies).
- Gifting
- One for All Vouchers (for Christmas and other occasions)
- Prize Bonds
- Small business offerings
- A Post Advantage Card
- Jiffy bags up to 1kg - €6; boxes up to 2kg - €9.00
- Financial services (e.g. loans)
- Western Union money transfers (send/receive).
For more information, please drop into the Post Office.
Kiltyclogher telephone: 071 9854023
Don’t use it, we lose it.
If we work together as a community we will keep our Post Office, our Shop and our Diesel Pump.
*** It is up to all of us now ***
Social Enterprise, Business, Town Centres, Place & Space
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