Can you share any stories of Sliabh Beagh?

We are a small but passionate group of people in the local area who have joined an Innovating Communities challenge with an aim to attract tourists to Sliabh Beagh. The focus of our challenge was narrowed down by referring initially to the vast scope of points on the 2017 Sliabh Beagh Masterplan. By using the mindset and skills developed through our Design Thinking Process, we’ve had really exciting conversations around the Identity and Promotion of Sliabh Beagh and would like to Design a Tour of the area. “Attracting Tourists to the Sliabh Beagh” is the new name of our challenge and we want to focus on the softer points of the masterplan.

We’ve been thinking big, and would like to collaborate with Storytellers from each gateway village of Sliabh Beagh and hear what they have to say. These storytellers can come in the form of local business owners, specialist tour guides, historical buildings and places of interest. We’d like to look at creating a tour as part of our challenge and would be happy to have a plan in place by the end of the course that we could use to create pilot tours in 2022 or to create a tour guide training project. Our hopes are to make Sliabh Beagh the destination that we've imagined.There is such a large opportunity for tours in the area, as there are a large variety of things to do, see and experience.

We have realised this may be a big challenge to get people involved, without prior research and planning. So, we have started out by asking questions on a Google Form to connect with and welcome potential Tour Partners on Sliabh Beagh. We are using our survey to gauge initial interest from businesses and communities.
Do you have a story to tell us about Sliabh Beagh?
Get involved with our survey here:



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