Monaghan Hub

Attracting People to Live and Work in County Monaghan (Summer 2021)

Climate Action, Biodiversity and Sustainability
Reimagining Community Spaces as Digital Hubs - Mondays, 6.30-8.30pm

Patrician High School, Carrickmacross Group 1

Patrician High School, Carrickmacross Group 2
Attracting Tourists to Sliabh Beagh (Mondays 7pm - 9pm)

Tackling Climate Change

Attracting People to Live and Work in County Monaghan
Tackling Sustainability at a Local Level - St Macartan's College 12.10 - 1.10pm

Beech Hill College

National Learning Network in Monaghan Town

Summer Camp of Ideas for Emyvale

Castleblayney Youth Work Ireland

St.Louis and St.Macartans

Innovating Communities: Clones Youth Group

Patrician High School Innovating Communities

Our Lady's Secondary School, Castleblayney
Top Stories
Digital Hubs- Bigger Than Broadband
Steve Jobs famously said, “If you find the problem correctly, you almost have the solution”. And that’s precisely what this course has achieved. A month or so ago, participants of the Reimagining C...Connectivity / BroadbandLocal ServicesPlace & Space -
Digital Hubs- Bigger Than Broadband
Steve Jobs famously said, “If you find the problem correctly, you almost have the solution”. And that’s precisely what this course has achieved. A month or so ago, participants of the Reimagining C...Connectivity / BroadbandLocal ServicesPlace & Space -
Can you share any stories of Sliabh B...
We are a small but passionate group of people in the local area who have joined an Innovating Communities challenge with an aim to attract tourists to Sliabh Beagh. The focus of our challenge was n...Tourism