Attracting Tourists to Sliabh Beagh (Mondays 7pm - 9pm)
Completed and review submitted
About the Course
The Sliabh Beagh Masterplan was created around 2017 with ideas to develop and enhance the area. The Sliabh Beagh area is a beautiful amenity in North Monaghan that has been underdeveloped and underfunded. These ideas need funding to be progressed. Fiona Connolly (Sliabh Beagh Adventures) & Cathy Bennett (Local Area Representative) are two main contacts for this training course.
From working with the Masterplan, and what has been achieved so far, we have defined our challenge to be "Attracting Tourists to the Sliabh Beagh"
Our Design Thinking-led training teaches valuable skills that can be used to create people-centred, innovative plans in response to challenges or opportunities like this one. You will also have access to 1-on-1 mentoring from your trainer and co-trainer. Co-trainers are volunteers from your county with knowledge and/or experience in community action. This 21-hour Sprint Course consists of high-impact learning and practical activities that will boost the Team's confidence in using these skills and taking action together. This course takes place on Mondays 7pm-9pm.
Social Enterprise, Smart Villages, Business, Development Group, Biodiversity, Connectivity / Broadband, Education / Training, Tourism, Infrastructure, Place & Space, Youth Development