Sligo Hub
Action Planning for Community Facilities
Developing Sligo as a Tourist Destination Monday's 9.30-11.30am
Dromore West
Tackling Environmental Change at Local Level
Breathing Life Back into Ballymote
Grange Post Primary School
Colaiste Iascaigh
Ursuline College Sligo
Coola Post Primary
St. Attracta's Tubbercurry TYA
St. Angela's College
St. Attracta's Tubbercurry TYB
Curry, Co. Sligo, Community Group
Carraroe, Co.Sligo, Community Group
St. Attracta's Tubbercurry TYD
St. Attracta's Tubbercurry TYC
Top Stories
The working group held their town hall event on thursday the 28th of April. There was a great turnout from the community and the need for a representative and inclusive community council to be esta...Development GroupLocal ServicesTown Centres -
The working group held their town hall event on thursday the 28th of April. There was a great turnout from the community and the need for a representative and inclusive community council to be esta...Development GroupLocal ServicesTown Centres -
Ballymote Community Council Constitut...
Great news! Seeing excellent outcomes from the course breathing life into Ballymote; The 3rd draft of Ballymote’s community action plan has been completed, and the 1st draft of their Community coun...