Challenge Bank

Do you have a Challenge in your area that you think could be solved through Design Thinking? Take the next step in your Challenger journey by adding it to the bank!

Courses will be based on the Challenges that people like you, across the region, feel need fresh and innovative thinking. To do this, we’re asking everyone to submit the Challenges that they’d like to tackle collaboratively.

Like and comment on other people's Challenges to show support and increase its chance of being included in a Course. You can filter Challenges by county or category.

Roll over a Challenge for more details. Click to go to the Challenge and like it or leave a comment.

Click to go to the Challenge and like it or leave a comment.

Vacant Houses could be Happy Homes

Vacant Houses could be Happy Homes

Housing department Co Council, vacant property owners and potential tenants approved for HAP work to gather to access grants to renovate vacant houses into homes for struggling homeless, and housing waiting list members

Promote the benefits of Diversity and combat Racism.

Promote the benefits of Diversity and combat Ra...

Recognise the benefits of different cultures of migrants now living in our communities and help integrate new migrants into our local communities. In addition to promote a zero tolerance to Racism.

Creation of pocket forests in the border areas area

Creation of pocket forests in the border areas ...

Work with to RECONNECT PEOPLE WITH NATURE in border communities. They reconnect people with nature through education workshops to rejuvenate soil and grow native trees, shrubs and woodland flowers to bring a forest ecosystem to your community. WHAT IS A POCKET FORESTS. forests in small spaces. special method of growing small biodiverse forests.

Health Care Forests

Health Care Forests

Inspire and support healthcare sites in transforming their green space for health, wellbeing and biodiversity. Ideas include beautiful gardens for rest and recovery; woodland, orchards and meadows that lock up carbon and create habitats for wildlife; and growing space for fruit and veg. lots of evidence about the benefits linking nature and well being. Also lots of examples of projects in action to learn from. Can link into social prescription projects.

Electrical bike and vehicle hire in dundalk and surrounding local villages

Electrical bike and vehicle hire in dundalk and... With more people working from home, using park and ride, could we reduce cars per household down to one car by offering rental of electrical bikes/ cars. Used as an marketing for tourism as well.

Ensuring sewage treatment for Dunfanaghy appropriate to present and to future needs.

Ensuring sewage treatment for Dunfanaghy approp...

As above.

Community radio

Community radio

A local community radio for muirhevnamor based on community events in the area

Clarkes bridge Redevelopment

Clarkes bridge Redevelopment

A very busy junction used by up to 5000 cars a day, That is in need of redevelopment for both Safety & commercial purposes.

Securing a safe Footpath/cycle track between Dunfanaghy and Portnablagh - or better still - to Ards

Securing a safe Footpath/cycle track between Du...

As above - plans exist

Towards 2025: Community Groups Connecting

Towards 2025: Community Groups Connecting

What does the future hold for your community group? Our communities have grown and changed over the past number of years, how we engage and interact with one another is also changing. The needs, wants and ambitions of people who live in our local area and how we connect is becoming more diverse too. Is it time to take a fresh approach to engaging your communities’ greatest asset, IT’S PEOPLE! Some of the challenges faced by all community groups. > How can you better understand your community, it’s people, who they are, their wealth of skills, talents and diversity? > Are there untapped skills in your community which could bring a new energy to your community organisation? > How can you connect with them and engage them moving forward? > How can you empower your community group and its residents? > How can you support your community grow and deliver in these ever changing times? Why not start the journey today to re-focus and re-energise your community group.

Lack of Access to Water Sports

Lack of Access to Water Sports

Living in Cooley area, Co. Louth, I have noticed that even though we are living very close to the sea there is a lack of access to affordable/free water sport equipment. As a result most local families don't engage with water sports as it is very expensive. The idea would be to set up community group and apply for funding for container and water sports equipment that could be used by local community.

A community space for activities

A community space for activities

Challenge raised at the Idea Generation Workshop for Ballybay- A community space for activities

Repurposing old buildings in the town

Repurposing old buildings in the town

Challenge raised at Idea Generation Workshop for Ballybay - Repurposing old buildings in the town

Lack of youth activities in Ballybay

Lack of youth activities in Ballybay

Challenge raised at the Idea Generation Workshop for Ballybay- Lack of youth activities in Ballybay

Communication and Marketing of Ballybay, or lack of it, for residents / potential residents / visito

Communication and Marketing of Ballybay, or lac...

Challenge raised at the Idea Generation Workshop for Ballybay- Communication and Marketing of Ballybay, or lack of it, for residents / potential residents / visitors and more How can we tackle this?

Dog friendly play and activity area

Dog friendly play and activity area

Idea from Monaghan Farmer's Market - Dog friendly play and activity area A “feline/canine” design strategy for Monaghan?

Interactive noticeboard / whiteboard in Monaghan Town and other towns

Interactive noticeboard / whiteboard in Monagha...

Ideas from Monaghan Farmer's Market - Interactive noticeboard / whiteboard Communication between groups etc would be overarching theme here?

Developing Universal Design Community Garden

Developing Universal Design Community Garden

Developing and establishing Dundalk Community Garden, based on a Universal Design would be all inclusive, accessible as well as supporting a wide range of needs. It would be a place where all ages and backgrounds could find respite and experience nature, supporting sensory, therapeutic and mental health. It's aim is to engage all levels of ability and backgrounds, children with additional needs, families,young people,single individuals, general population, dementia sufferers, it would support those who feel lonely and isolated no matter the age or gender in gardening, horticultural therapy or just enjoying the change of seasons or to learn something new or inspire connection to nature. Help bridging the gap in town center activities and bringing the community together.

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