
Safe walking and cycling

Posted by Michelle Hall on Mar 2, 2021

Ensure that all towns and villages have footpaths and cycle lanes (if feasible) to local shops and schools. Traffic calming measures to be introduced if cycle lanes not feasible.


Health And Wellbeing, Town Centres, Infrastructure

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Celine Garvey

It would be helpful to know if any rural towns in Ireland have attempted this? On street parking, traffic, historically narrow roads make this seem like a mammoth goal, but one worth aiming for. I drive my young kids to school, a shamefully tiny distance, the alternative is stressing about unsafe footpaths and crossings. Very interested to see if this challenge progresses!

Kathleen Kearns

particularly like your mention of "safe-to-school" walk and cycle routes. Crossings at schools, shops, and public buildings are a must-do too.

Carol Lambe

In the new Programme for GOvernment, 20% of the Dept of Transport's budget has been ringfenced for walking & cycling, which is good news. Also good news is that for the first time in 2021, the smaller local authorities have had access to the Active Travel funding programme that has been running in the larger local authorities for a number of years now. So for the first time, we smaller local authorities have access to funding to carry out walking and cycling projects. You should start to see delivery of projects on the ground in mid to late 2021 and every year thereafter. Funding will be allocated to the LA's based on an annually submitted application outlining the projects to be undertaken in the year ahead, so if there is a project a community feels is a priority, they should contact their LA.
The Dept of Transport will shortly be launching a new programme, 'Safe to School', which will provide funding for walking and cycling infrastructure to create safe routes to schools.

Leo Scarff

Hi Michelle. Interested in this idea. It would be good to established a channel which communities can formally submit requests to the county council to tackle bad sections of rural roads to make them safer for cyclists. We don't need cycle paths on every road but we do need to fix really bad bends, narrow sections etc that are close to towns. Obviously I have some spots close to where I live in mind

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