
Reuse of unused buildings for dedicated community hubs

Posted by Dara MacGabhann on Mar 24, 2021

Many groups are desperately in need of dedicated meeting spaces. Men's Sheds, Hen's Sheds, Baby and Toddler Groups, Youth groups are struggling to secure cost effective meeting spaces - even in pre-covid times. Alongside that many public buildings remain due to closures eg. HSE, Post Offices, Council Buildings. This would apply to all counties although at present I am particularly interested in finding premises for Dunleer Men's Shed. Could there be a scheme that matches groups to suitable premises?


Smart Villages, Health And Wellbeing, Town Centres

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Kathleen Kearns

Shared spaces are great until your belongings are tampered with or stolen! Yes revitalise old abandoned buildings, the biggest problem groups i have been involved is insurance and security.

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