Local Employment Service & Jobs Club
![Profile photo for Local Employment Service & Jobs Club](/assets/placeholders/group2-783f40671eaeeb8aefa8214a11975334e80e27a66efc46bf3ece16acaec6ff96.png)
The Local Employment Service (LES) & Jobs Club are both funded by the Department of Social Protection and are part of Monaghan Integrated Developed work with both job seeker and employers.
If your unemployed or thinking about returning to work we can support you with training, education, funding, government employment schemes, and local employer information. Jobs Club delivers both one to one and group support in job preparation skills including CV development, cover letters, job searching, and mock interviews. The services are free and confidential.
If your an employer seeking to recruit local job-ready people, we can support you by matching your recruitment requirements with available people. Our employer service is also free and confidential.