Strengthen the reach and interaction with the Ukrainian community


Completed and review submitted

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About the Course


How might we work together across the six counties to build on services and provisions / work with departments to expand childcare / increase childcare opportunities? How might we help Ukrainian families feel better connected to other places and people? How might we bring volunteering support to ease a challenge that they are facing? What do they need to improve access to childcare (is it space, transport, resources etc.?)
This set of workshops will be delivered to SICAP staff across the six partner counties to work together to strengthen the SICAP interaction with the Ukrainian community. These workshops will take place online with possibility to meet in person - days and times to be discussed and scheduled to accommodate as many interested persons as possible.
The participants will follow the Design Thinking process to bring different people and perspectives together, sharing and learning from ideas and issues faced. Design Thinking is creative problem solving and our Design Thinking training teaches valuable skills that can be used to create people-centred, innovative plans in response to challenges or opportunities.
Innovating Communities workshops are led by Design Thinking experts and community volunteer 'co-trainers' to help training teams tackle projects like these.

Place & Space, Smart Villages, Local Services, Children And Families

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