Creating a Community Garden at Lough Allen College


Completed and review submitted

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About the Course


This course will focus on a social challenge in County Leitrim. To define the challenge it will focus on, we will start by exploring the challenges in your local area. Can you think of a social challenge you want to tackle? Is it a new challenge facing your community, or maybe an old issue that you feel needs a fresh approach.

Our Design Thinking training teaches valuable skills that can be used to create people-centred, innovative plans in response to challenges or opportunities like the one above. You will also have access to 1-on-1 mentoring from your trainer and co-trainer. Co-trainers are volunteers from your county with knowledge and/or experience in community action.

Innovating Communities courses are led by Design Thinking experts and community volunteer 'co-trainers' to help training teams tackle projects like these.

Group sessions will take place every Tuesday morning between 9.45am and 11.15am.

Development Group, Natural Resources, Climate Action, Biodiversity, Local Services, Education / Training, Health And Wellbeing, Circular Economy, Town Centres, Children And Families, Food & Drink, Infrastructure, Place & Space, Youth Development

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